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Field Visit 01 
Morning Session:

Makandura Mixed Cropping System

Makandura Research Station (MRS), Makandura (Kurunegala District, NWP)

Established in 1983 for conducting field experiments and demonstrating agroforestry   model
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Total extent: 58.20 ha

Agroclimatic zone:  Intermediate zone low country (IL1a)

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Cultivation of pineapple in coconut land in popular
Cultivation of pineapple in coconut land in popular in Colombo, Gampaha, Kurunegala, and in some areas Puttalam Districts. Well drained gravel or sandy loam soil are suitable for pineapple cultivation.
Recommended varieties


Planting systems

Single row system

Suitable for Murisi variety

Number of suckers required- 8400 per ha

Double row system required- 3500 per ac

Number of suckers required – 12000 per ha (5000 per ac)

Multiple row system

Number of suckers required -24000 per ha (10,000 per ac)
Fertilizer application

N, P, K: 11-7-31 mixture is recommended for pineapple.

To prepare 100 Kg of the mixture;

Urea (40%N) -24.0 Kg

Rock Phosphate -25.0 Kg

Muriate of Potash -51.0 Kg

Keiserite (24% MgO) 1 parts by weight
1st application: One month after planting, apply 28.0 g for each pineapple plant (1.0Kg for 30-35 plants)
2nd and afterwards: Every 3-4 months, apply the above dose

Banana as an intercrop in coconut lands

Banana is a very common intercrop cultivated in wet and intermediate zones. Banana could also be cultivated in dry areas with irrigation.
Recommended Banana varieties

Ambul for wet zone


Kolikuttu for dry and intermediate zones

Ash Plantain

Mondam cooking purposes (for wet zone)

Planting systems

In mature coconut lands

Two rows of Kolikuttu in one avenue of coconut.

One row of Ambull in one avenue of coconut.

New/replanting of coconut (up to 5 years)
Fertilizer application

Should be applied after two months from planting and after wards at four monthly intervals.

g/plant (wet zone) g/plant (Intermediate zone/Dry zone)
Urea 110 120
Rock Phosphate 150 -
Concentrated Super Phosphate - 80
Muriate of Potash 190 250
Total 450 450

Coffee as an inter-crop in coconut lands

Coffee could also be cultivated as a profitable intercrop in coconut lands in wet and intermediate areas. Coconut plantations between the age of 15 – 45 years provides required shade condition for coffee.
Recommended Coffee varieties

“Katimor” variety

The Robusta varieties (GCR, CC-1, C-111)
System of planting

Double row system

Two rows of Coffee 6’ x 6 apart are planted between two rows of coconut.

Single row system

One row of Cocoa is planted in the centre of two rows of coconut at a distance of 8 feet within the row.
Fertilizer application

Urea (40%N) -4 parts by weight

Saphos Phosphate (28% P2O5) -5 parts by weight

Muriate of Potash (60% K2O) -3 parts by weight

Keiserite (24% MgO) -1 parts by weight

Cocoa as an inter-crop in coconut lands

Cocoa can be cultivated successfully in coconuts in wet and intermediate areas. Experiments have shown an increase of coconut yield in cocoa intercropped lands. Soil properties of these are enhanced by adding a large quantity of leaf titter. Age of the coconut plantation should be 15- 45 years.
Recommended cocoa varieties

Local variety – Millawana


Forestero group varieties
System of planting

Double row system

Two rows of Cocoa are planted in 8’x 10’ apart between two rows of coconut.

Single row system

One row of Cocoa is planted in the centre of two rows of coconut at a distance of 8 feet within the row.

Field Visit 01
Afternoon Session:

Kalpitiya Intensive Cropping System

During an earlier era the Kalpitiya area was famous for its production of dried fish. However today, the area despite its sandy soil and arid climatic condition, is better known for its production of fruits and vegetables.
This unbelievable change is solely due to the untiring efforts of the farming community who have transformed the once arid area into a lush orchard. Around 8,000 families live in the area extending from Mampuri to Thalawila via Ethalai, Norochcholai, Kalkudah and Senapola. Today an extent of 2,500 hectares are covered with vegetable cultivation while another 300 hectares are cultivated with a variety of fruits.
According to farmers the agricultural development in the area has led to the creation of around 30,000 job opportunities. The economic centre at Norochcholai has proved a boon to the farmers as they are able to dispose of their products at the centre.
Around 100 tons of vegetable are said to be traded on a daily basis with buyers from all over the country patronizing the centre. However farmers complain that despite their best efforts, they receive no help from the state. 

Image result for Kalpitiya Intensive Cropping System


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